Just a few simple steps can help you avoid being a victim of crime…
Simple steps that can help avoid burglary…
Most burglaries are opportunistic crimes, but dedicated burglars will spend time carefully casing a neighborhood looking for easy targets, taking note of what they can see in gardens and watching your comings and goings. You’d be surprised at how much they can learn just by watching from the street. There are all sorts of tell-tale signs and things they look out for that most people wouldn’t think about. Whether it’s something simple like forgetting to arm your alarm system, or leaving mail poking out of your letterbox while you’re away. Making things slightly harder for a burglar really can make all the difference. Here are some of the most common home security mistakes to avoid & many of them cost nothing!
Lock your doors, close your windows
It may be the most obvious thing on the list but it is amazing how many burglaries occur every day because a door or window was left open! Always remember to lock your doors and windows, especially those out of sight or at the back of your house.
Set your alarm system
Get in the habit of always setting your alarm system when you go out & at night. Many people have older systems that they don’t really trust, so end up never using them. It is important to have a professional well-maintained system. It’s also worth mentioning that a large number of burglaries happen whilst the house is occupied so make sure you lock doors at night and part set your alarm system before you go to bed. Our modern smart security systems provide reliable protection for your home or business and we’ll also look after all the servicing for you, so you can be sure the system’s always working. You can even set it from your phone & get real time alerts to tell you what’s happening while you’re away. Find out more about our smart security systems here.
Leaving valuables on show
Don’t tempt thieves by leaving laptops, phones & other valuables in plain sight of windows. Also, be careful about leaving your car keys somewhere they can be seen & “fished” through the letter box.
Expensive rubbish
Be mindful of what you put in your dustbin. Thieves may go through your rubbish and obvious indicators of a new purchase, such the box for your new 60” TV or high-end sound system can make you a target. Also, be sure to shred any bills, personal papers or bank statements before putting them in the bin to avoid identity theft.
Don’t make it obvious that no one’s at home
A pile of post on your doorstep or bins at the end of your driveway past rubbish day are obvious signs that a house is unoccupied. If possible, ask a friendly neighbour to put your bins away for you and check that post is not left poking out of the letterbox.
Keep a light on
A dark house lets anyone know straight away there’s no one home. A couple of lamps on timers are a simple, cheap and effective solution. For a more high-tech approach and to control home devices from your smartphone ask about our smart control systems.
Posting on Social Media
Posting holiday snaps and stories on social media whilst abroad lets anyone know that your house will be empty for a while.
Cheap or fake security
Poor quality locks on doors or windows are easily bypassed. Most experienced burglars can tell fake alarm bell boxes & dummy CCTV cameras a mile away, inadvertently making you more of a target. Speak to us today about booking a completely free, no obligation professional security review of your property, or simply drop us an email and we’ll be in touch.
Hiding a key outside
This common security error will render even the most secure door useless. A thief can usually quite easily guess where someone would hide a key.
Leaving upper floors unprotected
Most burglars will follow the path of least resistance & break in at ground level but with a handy ladder that someone has left out in the garden, or a convenient single storey extension, your upper windows may still be accessible. Ensure upper storey windows are closed when you leave and that your alarm system has proper coverage of upper floors.
Leaving ladders or tools in your garden
Following on from the above, unsecured garden tools and ladders can be used by opportunistic burglars to help break into your home. Bear in mind a strong shovel will lever most doors off their hinges so lock all garden tools away in a shed and use a good quality padlock & chain to secure ladders to a wall or strong anchoring point. Even the theft of garden tools alone can be annoying & costly.
Dark entrances
Fit motion sensing security lights around your doorways, thieves don’t like being lit up whilst working.
Hidden spaces
Overgrown shrubbery and trees near entryways can provide burglars with a perfect hiding spot away from watchful eyes.
No visible electronic security
A house with no visible electronic security will be a more obvious target. If this sounds like your property then speak to us about installing an alarm system or CCTV for you. Our modern wireless alarm systems are installed in one day with absolutely no mess and disruption to your home and they cost much less than you’d think. We can connect the system to your smartphone to provide immediate notifications of any events or simply let you know that your family has arrived home safely. CCTV systems are an effective deterrent and a very useful way of monitoring your home from your smartphone. Our professional grade HD systems provide stunning clear images. For more information click here.
Old unused or unmaintained systems
If your alarm system or keypad is visible from a window, a burglar might be able see whether the system is armed or not. It’s incredible, the number of people who have alarm systems but don’t set them because they are old and unreliable. Without periodic checks and proper maintenance from a professional, your alarm system may not work correctly when it’s most needed.
How do you score in our quick security quiz? Correct answers are given at the end

#1. In approximately what percentage of burglaries is either the front or back door used as an entry point?
In a whopping 55% of all break-ins a door is used as the entry route. Always make sure you have decent quality locks and that doors aren’t left open when you go out.
#2. When you go away, is it best to leave your curtains…
Many people believe that leaving the curtains half open is a good idea. To a burglar, after a day or so, it’s a sure sign you’re away. Leave your property looking as normal as possible. It’s far better to use timer controlled lighting instead. Using our App you can also remotely control any plug in devices from your phone while your away.
#3. When a stranger knocks at your door, should you…
Never open the door until you are certain who is on the other side. Door chains are very weak & easily forced open. It’s much better to use a simple door viewer or install an intercom or CCTV camera to see who’s there.
#4. You have bought yourself a brand new sound system for your home but need to get rid of the boxes, do you…
Putting new expensive equipment boxes on display, either by the bin or visible when you open your garage door is not the best way to evade prying eyes. Always take boxes to the local recycling point directly.
#5. Whats the best choice from the following to use for a combination lock on your shed or bike…
Never use a number that’s easy for anyone with limited knowledge of you to guess.
#6. Burglars don’t care if you have an alarm or not, true or false…
Nobody want’s unnecessary hassle, burglars are no different. If you have a modern looking outside bell box visible, a casual burglar will usually try somewhere easier. Go to our smart security page and see the systems we offer.
#7. Putting up dummy CCTV cameras & alarm boxes is a cost effective security option & just as good in deterring intruders as the real thing.
Burglars can spot fake equipment a mile away. In fact it is actually more likely to attract them knowing you’re not properly protected.
#8. In the case of home security, which of the following statements is the most accurate… large shrubs and bushes in front of a ground floor window are:
Intruders love to be out of view, where they can spend as much time as they need to force windows or doors. Always ensure you have security lighting and try to minimise hiding places.
#9. Statistically, if your property has a professionally installed intruder alarm and CCTV system installed, approximately how much less likely are you to be burgled?
Nobody likes hassle! only the most determined intruders will bother if you have proper security. This includes secure doors, Alarm system & CCTV. See out smart security page to lean more about the systems we can offer.
#10. Aside the emotional trauma and loosing irreplaceable or sentimental belongings, what do you think is the average financial cost of a break in?
After replacing forced windows or doors & stolen items, the average cost is about £3500. Of course however, you cannot put a price on the emotional trauma and stress associated with a burglary.
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Ally Security are Alarm system, CCTV & Access Control Specialists covering the following areas: East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey & West Kent including, Battle, Brighton, Crawley, Croydon, Dorking, Eastbourne, Guildford, Hastings, Hailsham, Heathfield, Haywards Heath, Hove, Horam, Horsham, Lancing, Lewes, Polegate, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Seaford, Shoreham-by-Sea, Worthing, Willingdon